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Frequently Asked Questions

1- Is your magick safe?

Yes. I wouldn't let anything risk my clients' health and spiritual stability. Your safety is my main concern, whatever the spell is. The spell won't harm and won't backfire.


2- When my spell will be cast?

Within a few days after you place your order.


3- How long will it take before I can see results?

You will normally have full results in 2 to 7 weeks.


4- What is the price of your spells?

Prices vary as every case is different and requires a custom spell. My prices are $200 and up.


5- What is your success rate?

99%. It's maybe hard to believe but the magic and witchcraft I use stand out among the competition. My happy clients knew they did the right choice when they ordered my spells. Soon you will testify too that my spells are the best. The results I provide won't disappoint you!


6- What if I can't see results in time?

I am very confident to offer the best spell service that exists! It means fast and sure results. If you are not feeling the spell has given you the results you wanted. Within 2-7 weeks of the initial castings one spell non-blood free recast can be made.


7- If I use your spells, are results permanent?

Dependent on the level of sacrifice is contingent upon how long the spell will last.

8- Is there a refund?

No. If you go to the doctor, is there a money back guarantee for the medical service? Of course not. My service consists in casting spells to help you have satisfying and fast results. The quality of my spells is my guarantee. I cast your spell thanks to the best techniques I know, and I would be happy to prove you that it works! I always give one free non-blood work RECAST if you are not happy with the results given after 7 weeks (or more if necessary).


9- I have bought other magic spells before I found your site. Can I still get your spells?

Yes. Obviously, if those spells had worked, you wouldn't be reading my site. Secondly, spells do not obstruct each other. Of course, if you ask a caster a love spell to reinforce the bonds you have with someone, and then a break up spell to leave the person, the two spell will interfere. But I'm sure you won't do that.


10- What do you need to know when people contact you for the first time?

I need your name, last name, date of birth, the country where you live and your detailed description of your case. It can be just a few lines for a first consultation, yet try to include the most important elements of your story.


11- Is it possible to reinforce later a spell you cast today?

Yes. Many of my clients ask for short or medium term solutions. When they are convinced that my spells work, they ask for reinforced spells to have permanent results. Of course, you can apply for a permanent results spell in first stage. It's more expensive but in the end, you'll save money with a very powerful spell needing no recast.


12- Do I need to believe in magick for my spell to work?

No. It's not a matter of faith; it will work, even if you are not a huge believer. All I ask is that you do all you can to stay positive after the spell has been cast. Negative energies will weaken the spell.


13- How will you know if my case is eligible for a spell?

I possess the know how to determine if your situation can be changed with a spell for sure. Just give me the information I request, and let me answer you. I am a professional and won't take the risk that a spell fails.


14- Shall I contact you even once the spell is cast?

Yes, you may email, text, or call me for assistance regarding your case.


15- What kind of magick do you use to cast your spells?

I use different types of witchcraft I specialized in: white magick, black magick, and red magick. 


16- There are blogs or websites saying that some spell casters are fraud. How can I know for sure that you are real?

Generally, those sites that bad-mouth psychics and spell casters are put up by competitors. Don't let them fool you. If you notice that a spell casting site points the finger at others for being scam, this site is most likely a scam itself. Murderers often call the police to report a crime because they think the police won't suspect them. It's exactly the same here: a con-artist website denounces scams to fool the customers around, to make them think the site is authentic. But if you see a site like this, you better run.


17- I want to order a spell but I don't want anyone to know anything about it.

Don't worry, according to my privacy policy, all the messages you send me remain totally confidential.


18- Can you cast more than one spell at a time? My situation is special and I need more than one spell.

Yes I can. I even recommend you to mention that as soon as possible. You might get an interesting discount for buying more than one spell. In some cases, I can even offer one spell for free.


19- Do I need to perform a candle ceremony or such?

Yes. Though it's easy and everyone can do it. I customize the ceremony according to your needs.

Disclaimer Of Service- These rituals are for entertainment and inspirational purposes. As a spiritual ministry "Eye Of Kaoss" serves to motivate the people through religious rituals. Each rituals ability to manifest in each individuals life will be determined by their own personal will and action that they take once the spell has been completed. Faith without work is dead and the actions you take combined with the faith in the spell will always go farther then to just sit without action towards your personal ritual intent. Action must be taken for the power of the spell to take place. If personal threats are made against any associates of the "Eye Of Kaoss" Eye of Kaoss has the right to refuse service and not refund any services charged to the Eye Of Kaoss and associates.



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